Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How Resistance Training Burns Fat

High Intensity Resistance Training is one of the best ways to lose weight.

Most people have been told that cardio training is the most effective way to lose weight, indeed High Intensity Interval Training, discussed in my last post ,will assist with weight and fat loss. However, Resistance Training will multiply your fat loss efforts significantly.

The reason High Intensity Resistance Training is so effective is because it creates metabolic changes within the body, burning fat for at least 24 hours after your workout has finished due to post-exercise oxygen consumption and resulting in an increased metabolic rate 24 hours a day.

But, Resistance Training must be done correctly to deliver this fat burning potential. To ensure your resistance training is effectively reducing fat it is essential that you use:
  • Multi Joint Exercises
  • Maximum Range of Movement
  • Optimum Sets and Reps
  • Freeweight and Bodyweight Exercises
  • Variety and Progression
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
To find out more about effective Resistance Training techniques for weight loss, and how to put them into practice, have a look at today's recommended site Fat Burning Furnace.

Until next time . . . Get Inspired, Motivated, Empowered!

P.S. I hope you find my blog informative and useful. Any feedback is most appreciated.

Warning: If you have any concerns over your ability to exercise or you have any known medical conditions it is always recommended to consult with your doctor before undertaking any exercise programme.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Truth About Cardio Training

Why long cardio workouts are not the best way to lose weight.

One of the fitness training principles I mentioned in my first post Weight Loss Programmes that Work was High Intensity Interval Training.

Many instructors still recommend long cardio workouts, training in the "fat burning zone" to lose weight. You may well have followed their advice only to find that you have not achieved the body shape you crave. The reason for this is that while training at this low intensity will indeed burn fat, it only does so at a low level and only during the time you are exercising.

In addition, Scientist believe that this excessive steady state endurance training increases free radical production in the body, can degenerate joints, reduce immune function, cause muscle wasting, and can cause a pro-inflammatory response in the body that can potentially lead to chronic diseases.

Now, apart from all the detrimental effects on your health resulting from low intensity cardio workouts, training that actually causes muscle wastage can never result in weight loss or rather fat loss in the long term. Only by improving the conditional of your muscles will you increase your metabolism and burn fat for 24 hours or more. This can be achieved through High Intensity Interval Training in conjunction with High Intensity Resistance Training.

To summarize, some of the potential benefits of High Intensity Interval Training compared to steady state endurance training are as follows:

  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Increased anti-oxidant protection
  • Improved immune function
  • Reduced risk for joint wear and tear
  • Increased muscularity (not muscle bulk, just increased definition and tone)
  • Increased residual metabolic rate following exercise
  • Increased fat burning during and following exercise
  • Lower drop out rates as workouts are less boring!
To find out more about High Intensity Interval Training and how to introduce it into your workouts check out the following sites:

How to get Ripped Abs - this site provides a tried and tested method for losing fat and developing stunning abs. Check out Fat Burning Mistake #3 for endorsement of High Intensity Interval Training.

Turbulence Training - this is an excellent all round site using High Intensity Interval Training workouts to help you lose weight and get in great shape.

Until next time . . . Get Inspired, Motivated, Empowered!

P.S. I hope you find my blog informative and useful. Any feedback is most appreciated.

Warning: If you have any concerns over your ability to exercise or you have any known medical conditions it is always recommended to consult with your doctor before undertaking any exercise programme.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Secrets for Losing Stubbort Belly Fat

If you exercise regularly but struggle to lose stubborn belly fat, read on . . .

Just recently I had the pleasure of meeting a fellow fitness professional named Mike Geary of Now Mike is a well-known expert who deals exclusively with the most effective strategies for losing stomach fat so that you can finally uncover those elusive six pack abs that everyone desires.

Some of Mike's strategies deal with nutrition aspects and others deal with training techniques, but I was impressed to see that Mike has put together one of the most comprehensive resources for dealing with all of the aspects necessary to finally get rid of that nasty belly fat for good.

The key is that Mike focuses on the REAL techniques that are going to get you lasting results, and teaches you how to avoid all of these "quick-fix" scams and gimmicks that are all over the infomercials and the Internet these days.

3 of the main mistakes that people make when attempting to lose fat are:

1. Most people are wasting too much of their time doing hundreds of reps of ineffective crunches and sit ups.
Mike has discovered that there are certain highly effective exercises that stimulate your metabolism much better, and increase your fat burning hormone levels much more. These exercises that Mike outlines are the best of the best for getting a lean, chiseled body. Surprisingly to most, the majority of these most effective exercises for stomach fat loss are NOT "abs-specific" exercises. Not only that, but Mike shows you how to combine and sequence them to get the best metabolic and fat loss results possible, changing the shape of your entire body.

2. Most people are wasting too much time doing hours upon hours of boring monotonous cardio routines.
Mike has researched this topic extensively, including an entire course he has taken comparing different modalities of cardiovascular exercise. After all of this research, he came to the conclusion that the majority of people out there are not doing the right types of cardio exercise. In fact, most people may actually be inadvertently decreasing their metabolic rate by doing too much of the wrong types of cardio!
The strategies that Mike reveals in his program go beyond "interval cardio" too.

3. Most people are failing miserably with fad diets.
Mike reveals exactly why most low-carb or low-fat diets are actually working against what your body needs to become lean and ripped and maintain it for life! Mike shows you exactly how to stop falling for the gimmick diets and finally develop a truly healthy eating style that you can actually enjoy for life without being overly restrictive. It's actually easier and more enjoyable than you believe!

Go to Mike's Truth about Six Pack Abs today and discover the exact system that Mike is using to help thousands of his clients from all over the world get leaner than they've ever been before. This system will help you to lose that stubborn stomach fat that has plagued you for years, so you can finally get that sexy six pack you've always wanted.

Click here for his site.

Don't forget to visit Mike's site today, as he's giving away some great free bonus reports and other tools that might not be available much longer.

Until next time . . . Get Inspired, Motivated, Empowered!

P.S. I hope you find my blog informative and useful. Any feedback is most appreciated.

Warning: If you have any concerns over your ability to exercise or you have any known medical conditions it is always recommended to consult with your doctor before undertaking any exercise programme.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Lose Weight at Home

If you don't have the time or money to workout in a gym, you can lose weight from home.

Working out in a gym has it's benefits as you will have a range of free weights at your disposal and trained staff to help with your exercise technique. However, attending a gym costs money and time which some of us are unable to commit to. But this does not mean you cannot lose weight effectively.

All the principles of weight loss I mentioned in my first blog Weight Loss Programmes that Work can be followed at home or in your neighbourhood using your own bodyweight and a few select pieces of equipment. The secret to weight loss is doing the right exercises, at the right intensity and with the right variation and progression.

Have a look at this useful site that demonstrates a great range of exercises providing all of the above with easy to follow video clips and a programming tool that designs your whole workout for you.

If you are going to continue exercising from home then free weights can assist with increasing your workout intensity. Containers such as bottles full of water or sand make great hand weights as long as they are easy to hold, but they must be heavy enough to challenge you while doing 8-10 reps. There are many other household items you can use to add weight to your exercises (watch the Rocky films or just use your imagination).

One item that I would highly recommend is a stability ball, this simple piece of equipment will enable you to significantly increase the range of exercises you are able to perform at home through using it as a bench and through specific stability ball exercises. You can purchase your stability ball and free weights from your local sports shop or better still from an expert functional training site such as where you can also download information, training articles and exercises.

So don't let a lack of time or money hold you back, have a look at today's recommended site Here and start working out at home today.

Until next time . . . Get Inspired, Motivated, Empowered!

P.S. I hope you find my blog informative and useful. Any feedback is most appreciated.

Warning: If you have any concerns over your ability to exercise or you have any known medical conditions it is always recommended to consult with your doctor before undertaking any exercise programme.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Importance of Exercise and Diet

To lose weight effectively it is important to review your diet as well as your exercise routine.

Some people will try to convince themselves that if they do enough exercise they can eat what ever they like. Now this might be true for those who are young or do not have a weight problem but for those wishing to lose weight or rather lose fat addressing both issues is vitally important.

But I thought you said diets were no good? - I hear you cry!

There is a difference between "diets" that we get bombarded with day in day out offering all manner of weird and wonderful food combinations, these I refer to as fad diets as they are just that, they are unsustainable and will normally result in long term weight and fat gain even if you experience short term losses.

What I am talking about is your diet, i.e. the food that you eat each day to provide nourishment for your body. The problem most of us have is that we do not eat foods that nourish our body, we eat foods that are highly processed and contain all sorts of additives and chemicals that are highly toxic to our body leading to digestive disorders, low energy levels and even ill health.

So what is a good diet?

From my review of Internet programmes and knowledge of nutrition the only long term method to lose weight and fat - along with the exercise component - is to eat a healthy diet. A diet rich in natural foods, the way nature intended, will help to regulate blood sugar levels, lowered cholesterol, increased energy, eliminate digestive discomfort and clear your skin.

The best programme I have found so far is The Diet Solution Program which is perfect if you have struggled with your weight for many years and are sick and tired of programs that just don’t work in the long term. This programme is also perfect if you want to take control of and reverse health conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease.

The Diet Solution Programme was designed by Isabel De Los Rios, a nutrition and exercise specialist for the past 10 years who has personally worked with hundreds of clients in her own private facility, overseeing successful weight loss programs. This hands on experience with real people solidified the facts and principles she had learned in books, journals and from other health professionals. The best part about Isabel’s program is that this new way of life is not some torturous eating regimen. She really shows you that you can eat delicious food, combined the right way, to lose weight and maintain it.

So check out The Diet Solution Programme today and give your weight loss efforts a real boost.

Until next time . . . Get Inspired, Motivated, Empowered!

P.S. I hope you find my blog informative and useful. Any feedback is most appreciated.

Warning: If you have any concerns over your ability to exercise or you have any known medical conditions it is always recommended to consult with your doctor before undertaking any exercise programme.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Getting Started

So, you want to lose weight, but with so many options - how do you know what will work?

Should you join a gym, aerobics classes, try pilates or yoga, get a personal trainer, follow a workout DVD or online programme or just look for a diet that promises you will lose weight overnight?

If you have surfed the net for weight loss solutions, you will have found thousands of sites promising a quick fix, from fad diets and pills to all kinds of weird and wonderful training contraptions; or instructors that recommend hours of cardio training. Such solutions may result in some weight loss but more often than not they will slow your metabolism and in the longer term make you gain more weight.

Now, I'm not knocking all instructors that you find in gyms, teaching classes or personal training as they are often knowledgeable and experienced and sometimes you will find one who really understands weight loss. But it is a bit of a lottery and you want a training and diet plan that is proven to work and doesn't waste your time.

The first thing to realise if you want a strong, healthy, fit looking body is that losing weight is not about losing weight at all, it is about losing fat. It is also about developing a strong, lean physique, having bundles of energy, a strong immune system, great self confidence and looking and feeling younger than your age. Who wouldn't want that! And once you have it why would you ever want to throw it all away?

This leads me to my second point that getting in shape and staying in shape is a long term lifestyle choice that cannot be achieved by a quick fix diet pill. It can be achieved through the principles I outlined in my first blog 2 days ago - read it now if you haven't already.

The best ways to lose weight and look great, whether you want to train at a gym or at home, is to understand what exercises to do, what foods to eat and how to put it all into practice.

Click Here for a programme that will provide expert advice and help you get started today.

Until next time . . . Get Inspired, Motivated, Empowered!

P.S. I hope you find my blog informative and useful. Any feedback is most appreciated.

Warning: If you have any concerns over your ability to exercise or you have any known medical conditions it is always recommended to consult with your doctor before undertaking any exercise programme.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Weight Loss Programmes That Work

If you want to find the Best Ways to Lose Weight and Look Great, read on . . .

After 14 years working in the fitness industry, helping people to lose weight and look great, I have first hand experience of what works and what does not. Now that I am living in a foreign country as a house wife with time on my hands, I thought I would put my knowledge and experience to good use by helping you choose a weight loss solution designed to get results.

There are many options to choose from and while Personal Training or joining a Gym would seam the logical place to start, in reality these options are both time and money intensive and unfortunately not all fitness trainers have the level of knowledge and experience required to help you lose weight effectively.

Most of us do not exercise regularly because we lack the time and/or money to do so. Why not take advantage of some of the best fitness advice from the worlds experts at a fraction of the cost and that get results in a fraction of the time with an online programme you can do yourself or ideally with your friends.

The problem is there are thousands of web sites offering solutions to lose weight, burn fat, get a six pack and look ten years younger.

So how do you know what will work and what is a waste of your hard earned money?

Well, that is where I come in. Fortunately I have the time to review these programmes and the knowledge and experience to know what works when it comes to weight loss and burning fat.

So what are the things you need to look for?

Here are some of the fitness training and nutrition principles, that have been proven to boost metabolism and achieve fat loss, helping you lose weight and increase muscle tone:
  • High Intensity Interval Training
  • High Intensity Resistance Training
  • Variation and Progression
  • Emphasis on Quality not Quantity
  • Use of Bodyweight and Freeweight Functional Exercises
  • Sound Nutrition Guidelines Using Natural Foods
Over the next few weeks I will cover each of these and many other topics in detail as well as addressing some of the more commonly asked questions about losing weight, so add this blog to your favourites and please visit again soon.

But for those of you who want to get started today have a look at these two sites I recommend:

Warp Speed Fat Loss

Burn the Fat

Until next time . . . Get Inspired, Motivated, Empowered!

P.S. I hope you find my blog informative and useful. Any feedback is most appreciated.

Warning: If you have any concerns over your ability to exercise or you have any known medical conditions it is always recommended to consult with your doctor before undertaking any exercise programme.